Restricted diets, processed food, under-eating and over-training, poor quality sleep and depleted soil all create mineral deficiencies.
once you know how to fix them.
2. Energy and vitality level.
Energy is our #1 Currency and is a common denominator of health. This means that if your energy is low, hundreds of symptoms can occur. Restoring our adaptive energy is a key to healing. A properly interpreted hair mineral analysis shows how to correct low energy.
3. Glandular activity.
HTMA shows the overall cellular effect of the thyroid and adrenal hormones. This is very important because most of the time these imbalances are not picked up in the blood. A classic example, people with clear hypothyroid symptoms have normal thyroid blood panel but on a hair test, they are severely hypothyroid. The hair test shows the degree to which one is hypothyroid and all the minerals that need to improve in order to balance hypothyroidism.
4. Carbohydrate tolerance.
HTMA shows a tendency for hypoglycaemia and how well the person is handling carbohydrates for stable energy production or lack of stable energy.
5. Toxic metals.
No method of testing can detect ALL the toxic metals in the body but hair reveals more than blood. Some patterns on hair test such as “Poor Eliminator Pattern”, indicates the presence of hidden toxic metals even if they don’t show up on a hair test. Very helpful information.
6. Tendencies for over 60 common health conditions.
The test may reveal ‘health conditions’ months or years before they are identified as a fully-fledged ‘disease’ by western medicine such as osteoporosis, Hashimoto’s, diabetes or Lupus. Osteoporosis shows up on a hair test at least 5 years before western medicine test can detect it and when it does, it is too late.
“Every disease is traced to a mineral deficiency in the body.” Linus Pauling, 1954 Nobel Laureate Chemistry.
7. Stress patterns.
Stress affects the Neuro – Endocrine system = Central Nervous System affecting Endocrine glands. Dr Hans Selye an authority on stress adaptation wrote 39 books on the subject and identified 4 stages of stress adaptation.
Many conditions such as Lyme, Chronic Fatigue or M.E, Cushing’s, Reynaud’s and Lupus manifest in the 3rd stages of stress known as exhaustion stage. Some children are born with mineral imbalances inherited from their mothers and are taken to too many specialists when the root causes of their symptoms are on their hair test.
8. Psychological/emotional assessment.
One the most helpful information from a thoroughly interpreted HTMA is the underlying psychological attitudes for depression, anxiety, panic attacks, attention deficit, brain fog, autism, dementia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Hair mineral testing often shows why these conditions occur, and how to correct them at a deeper level.
9. Trauma.
Hair mineral testing can also reveal hidden traumas and biochemical depression.
10. Supplements
Taking the right supplements needs to be based on your biochemical metabolic blueprint. Taking just one supplement can create a huge imbalance. If you just take zinc it can affect copper which will affect thyroid and adrenal activity. Most supplements are synthetic and create toxicity. Supplements ideally need to be food based which is less than 2% of supplements on the market. Hair testing shows you what you need to take based on your biochemistry.
11. Environment/chemicals/pesticides and pollution
In the 21st Century we are exposed to countless toxins, especially heavy metals like cadmium (cigarette smoke), lead (paint, hair dyes, cosmetics), aluminum (antiperspirants, cookware), mercury (amalgam fillings, vaccinations). Hair testing reveals these toxins so you know what to avoid or stop using altogether.
12. Inherited imbalances
Yes we also inherit mineral patterns and heavy metals from our mothers. Linus Pauling 1954 Nobel Laureate Chemistry.